Palco is excited to provide services to Idaho’s self-directed programs.
My Voice, My Choice, Idaho’s self direction program, is an option under the Developmental Disabilities Waiver for Medicaid eligible adults. This option gives you more choice and control over the Medicaid funds used to buy your services and supports. You choose the services and supports that fit your needs. You decide when and where you get services and supports. You choose and hire the people you want to help you. You keep track of your Medicaid budget account. For more information, click here.
The Family Directed Support Services (FDS) option offers parents of children with developmental disabilities more choice and flexibility in purchasing the services and supports their children need. For more information, click here.
Palco offers Guide Training for new participants, interested in using Palco, every week. Click here to register for Guide Training with Palco! If you do not see a day/time that works for you, just reach out to us and we can schedule you an individual appointment. To view Palco’s Guide Training Manual click here.