Streamlining Self-Direction Onboarding: A Quick and Compliant Process in Minutes
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Streamlining Self-Direction Onboarding: A Quick and Compliant Process in Minutes

In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is key, especially when it comes to onboarding Self-direction and enabling individuals with disabilities and those aging in place to live independent lives.  Whether you’re a brand-new program participant, a seasoned surrogate employer hiring a new worker, or beginning your rewarding career as a caregiver, ensuring a smooth and compliant…

Improving Accessibility by Using Plain Language
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Improving Accessibility by Using Plain Language

We can build elevators and put in ramps for those with low mobility. Sign Language interpreters and closed captions can help those who are Deaf. People with vision deficiencies can benefit from large print, Braille, or audiobooks. But how do we make concepts, instructions, and other writings more accessible? One way is following the guidelines…