The Bigger Picture: An Overview of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)

The Bigger Picture: An Overview of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)

The quality of someone’s local schools. How stable their job is. If they have friends and family to support them. What do these things all have in common? They are all non-medical factors that can impact a person’s health. These factors, and more, are Social Determinants of Health (SDOH).

How to Build a Loyal Team of Caregivers
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How to Build a Loyal Team of Caregivers

It is hard enough to find people to provide care who you can trust and who understand your needs. It can be even harder to keep those good caregivers on your team once you find them. With the current shortage of caregivers, we are in a crisis. According to the ANCOR 2024 survey, 90% of people said…

Elevate Caregiving – March 2025
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Elevate Caregiving – March 2025

February 21st is National Caregiver Day, and March 3rd is Caregiver Appreciation Day. In honor of the caregivers who keep our programs going, Palco will be celebrating caregiving during the entire month of March!  Caregiver Testimonials We want to hear about your best and brightest caregivers, the ones who are always there in the clutch,…

How Do I Support My Loved One with Their New Diagnosis?
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How Do I Support My Loved One with Their New Diagnosis?

Receiving the news that a loved one has been diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injury (SCI), cognitive disabilities, or any significant disability can be life altering for both the individual and those around them. The road ahead may seem uncertain and filled with challenges, and often, it’s difficult to know where…

Home and Community Based Services for Native Americans
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Home and Community Based Services for Native Americans

Across the United States, Native American communities face unique challenges when it comes to accessing healthcare and social services. Fortunately, there are programs designed to address these needs and empower individuals with disabilities and elders to live fulfilling lives within their own communities. These programs are known as Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). Native…

Everything You Need to Know About Disability Pride Month
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Everything You Need to Know About Disability Pride Month

There is an awareness month, week, or day for just about everything. Picking a specific time frame to start conversations around an illness, group, or cause is a great way to raise awareness for that cause.   One awareness month we are excited to tell you about is Disability Pride Month.  The History of Disability Pride…

Opinion: If you are not promoting self-direction, you are actively contributing to the direct care workforce crisis

Opinion: If you are not promoting self-direction, you are actively contributing to the direct care workforce crisis

Imagine you’re at a restaurant, hungry and ready for a great meal. Your server asks you what you’d like to eat without ever handing you a menu. When you ask, she tells you about the hamburgers and chicken dishes they have to offer, but she decides to omit telling you about their spaghetti because she…

Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals, and the Differences Between Them 
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Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals, and the Differences Between Them 

What is a Service Dog?  Service dogs, also known as service animals, are dogs that receive specialized training to a perform a task directly related to a person’s disability. They are recognized by – and protected under – the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In some instances, miniature horses can also be service animals. However,…

Streamlining Self-Direction Onboarding: A Quick and Compliant Process in Minutes
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Streamlining Self-Direction Onboarding: A Quick and Compliant Process in Minutes

In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is key, especially when it comes to onboarding Self-direction and enabling individuals with disabilities and those aging in place to live independent lives.  Whether you’re a brand-new program participant, a seasoned surrogate employer hiring a new worker, or beginning your rewarding career as a caregiver, ensuring a smooth and compliant…

Improving Accessibility by Using Plain Language
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Improving Accessibility by Using Plain Language

We can build elevators and put in ramps for those with low mobility. Sign Language interpreters and closed captions can help those who are Deaf. People with vision deficiencies can benefit from large print, Braille, or audiobooks. But how do we make concepts, instructions, and other writings more accessible? One way is following the guidelines…