Self-Direction in the Hispanic Community
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Self-Direction in the Hispanic Community

The overall goal for self-direction in general is to give the elderly and individuals with disabilities their independence, thus creating a naturally inclusive model that strives to serve all populations. While this is true, there are still various populations that go underserved, and that includes the Hispanic population. Below, we discuss the challenges this population…

Elevate Caregiving- March 2024
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Elevate Caregiving- March 2024

February 16th is National Caregiver Day, and March 3rd is Caregiver Appreciation Day. In honor of the caregivers who keep our programs going, Palco will be celebrating caregiving during the entire month of March!  Caregiver Testimonials We want to hear about your best and brightest caregivers, the ones who are always there in the clutch,…

Palco Program Spotlight- Chanda Center for Health Remote Services Program
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Palco Program Spotlight- Chanda Center for Health Remote Services Program

Palco kicked off 2024 with a new and exciting partnership with the Chanda Center for Health! The Chanda Center for Health’s mission is to deliver, advocate & educate for integrative therapy and other complementary services to reduce health disparities and costs by improving health equity and outcomes for individuals with physical disabilities through the support…

Care is a Click Away

Care is a Click Away

On December 12, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) presented guidance* to states to leverage worker registries to boost beneficiaries’ access to home- and community-based services (HCBS). While the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) helped HCBS programs tremendously, ARPA says that “states must use funds to implement or supplement activities to enhance, expand,…

What is Self-Direction?

What is Self-Direction?

Self-direction is a model of long-term care that helps people—of all ages with varying disabilities—live independent lives in their own homes. Self-direction began in the 1980’s during a movement to de-institutionalize people with disabilities from settings like nursing homes and hospitals and get them back into the community receiving their care. According to the AARP…

Veteran Directed Care
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Veteran Directed Care

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs recognizes the self-directed or consumer-directed service delivery model as a meaningful strategy for veterans of all ages to access long term services and supports in a home and community based setting. The Veterans Directed Care (VDC) program was developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veterans Health…

Disability Careers Month

Disability Careers Month

Pursuing a meaningful career is something most of us strive for in our lives. Individuals with disabilities are no exception to this. And individuals with disabilities that are also receiving services through a Medicaid waiver may encounter barriers in the pursuit of this goal, including Medicaid program or waiver qualifications that include income limits to…

Pets and Disabilities

Pets and Disabilities

September is National Service Dog Month! National Service Dog Month is a month-long celebration honoring the hard work and life-changing impact service dogs make on people with disabilities every day. Service dogs and other pets can make a huge impact on the lives of people with disabilities and their families. by Spencer GriffinCommunications Director