Elevate Caregiving- March 2024
February 16th is National Caregiver Day, and March 3rd is Caregiver Appreciation Day. In honor of the caregivers who keep our programs going, Palco will be celebrating caregiving during the entire month of March!
Caregiver Testimonials
We want to hear about your best and brightest caregivers, the ones who are always there in the clutch, the ones who know just how you like it done, the ones who your life wouldn’t be the same without! Fill out the caregiver testimonial form by clicking here to give your well-deserved caregiver a shoutout to Palco! We will be posting testimonials on our social media pages all month long, and one lucky caregiver will win a gourmet coffee basket and swag box from Palco!
Wear Purple for Caregiving
On Friday, March 1st, Palco staff all across the country will wear something purple to recognize and celebrate caregiving in honor of Caregiver Appreciation Day (March 3rd)! Purple is the nationally recognized color to honor caregivers. Social media will showcase the Palco teams support and acknowledgment! Join us in wearing purple.
Free Educational Opportunities
Caregiver Resiliency: The Bouncy Ball Effect
They say what goes up must come down. But what happens when we are already down? Building healthy resilience is a skill to strengthen. Learn how to bounce back.
Date/Time: Friday, March 22, 2024 from 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CDT
Register Here: Registration (gotowebinar.com)

Direct Care Workforce Strategies for 2024
Join us to learn about new tools hitting the industry aimed at improving direct care workforce retention and enhancing the lives of those who provide such valuable care.
Date/Time: Friday, March 29, 2024 from 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CDT
Register Here: Registration (gotowebinar.com)