FMS Roles and Responsibilities with Taxes

FMS Roles and Responsibilities with Taxes

As the 2022 tax season comes to a close, self-directed stakeholders may be curious about the role the Financial Management Service (FMS) provider plays in filing taxes and assisting in managing their self-directed services within a Fiscal Employer Agent (F/EA) program. First, its important to know that when a self-directing employer enrolls with the FMS,…

Think Palco First

Think Palco First

The most dangerous phrase in language is, we’ve always done it this way. -Grace Hopper In order to evolve and remain in line with a vision that produces results and quality care, Palco has continued to modernize our technology to meet the demands of the self-directed marketplace. Email us at to learn more. by…

Palco Program Spotlight- Ohio

Palco Program Spotlight- Ohio

Less than a year ago, Palco partnered with the Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio to serve as the Financial Management Services (FMS) vendor for the Elderly Services Program (ESP). The Elderly Services Program helps older adults from Butler, Clinton, Hamilton, and Warren counties – Cincinnati to Oxford, Mason to Wilmington, and everywhere in between…

Employer Responsibilities In Self-Direction

Employer Responsibilities In Self-Direction

Self-Direction: A Medicaid Long-Term Care Model Self-direction is a Medicaid long-term care model that supports the chronically ill, older adults, and those with a disability at any age to remain at home and in their community. It empowers individuals to live the lives they want to live. To stay safe in your home, you or…

Impact of Cloud-Native Services on FMS

Impact of Cloud-Native Services on FMS

An overview of the impact and benefits of cloud-native software for financial management services (FMS). At Palco, we want to help individuals overcome all barriers to living their most meaningful lives. In today’s world, that demands understanding the transformation Financial Management Services (FMS) have seen in the last decade. We have spent time and capital…

Support Coordinator Toolbox

Support Coordinator Toolbox

The role of a Support Broker in self-direction ensures participants and employers have the support and guidance they need to be successful in directing and managing their care. Through person-centered support, a dedicated Support Broker understands the unique needs of the participant/employer and helps educate and connect them to the things they need. Depending on…

Wages Now

Wages Now

How Does Wages Now Work? You can access your wages through the Money Network Card’s easy access portal at any time during your pay period. After shifts are completed, offers will be provided through the smart phone application, offering you up to 50% of the money you have earned from your shift. Your early payroll…

Plant Your Future with Palco

Plant Your Future with Palco

A 25-year Story of SuccessPalco has provided FMS services since 1999, starting in Arkansas, which was the first state to pilot self-direction. Our headquarters, however, are where you are. We serve a nation-wide client base providing tools and solutions right where you are. The entire company grew out of the commonsense fiscally responsible model of…

CO CDASS MMES Now Available Digitally
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CO CDASS MMES Now Available Digitally

The Monthly Client Expenditure Statement (MMES) for each member is now electronically available in the Palco Case Management Portal (CMP) and in Connect for CDASS employers! The MMES provides a breakdown of spending and remaining monthly reserve funds for CDASS employers to be able to correctly monitor and manage their budget. Case Managers & Supervisors…