2022 Financial Management Services End of Year Memo
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2022 Financial Management Services End of Year Memo

This memo will answer some frequently asked end-of-year questions as well as tell you what you can expect from Palco as we close out 2022. W2 Forms The IRS requires that all 2022 W-2s be mailed to employees no later than January 31, 2023. Palco will mail all W-2s through the United States Postal Service. If…

Colorado EVV Strike Protocol Reminders & Resources

Colorado EVV Strike Protocol Reminders & Resources

This notice is only for CDASS Members or Authorized Representatives who are required to use EVV. In Colorado, CDASS Members/Authorized Representatives are subject to compliance measures such as the Electronic Visit Verification Protocol that is monitored by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF). Palco provides monthly reporting and data, as required by…

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. As online threats to your personal data become more common, guarding it means taking action. We often think changing our passwords or installing anti-virus software will be enough. However, today a new phrase is, “if you can connect it, you need to protect it.” This means it takes more to…

It Pays to Care
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It Pays to Care

What is self-direction? Self-directed services are Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) that help people – of all ages with different disabilities – live independent lives in their own homes and communities. They maintain their independence by choosing the mix of services and supports that work best for them. Self-direction empowers each program participant to expand…

New Mexico Training Announcement

New Mexico Training Announcement

In preparation for phase two go-live, coming in May 2022, Palco is hosting several training sessions to prepare stakeholders for what’s to come. Training sessions will be individualized for each user group and will be broken out into specific topics. Multiple trainings are available through the months of February – May. To register for training…

Incentive Payments for Independent Choices Caregivers (Arkansas)
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Incentive Payments for Independent Choices Caregivers (Arkansas)

Palco is excited to partner with the Arkansas Department of Human Services to provide workforce stabilization incentive payments to program stakeholders! What you need to know. The American Rescue Plan Act, Section 9817 Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Spending Plan, gives states the ability to issue incentives to direct support professionals to help with workforce…

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2021 End of Year Memo

This memo will answer frequently asked end of year questions and explain what you can expect from Palco as we close out 2021. As we reach the end of 2021, we want to thank you for your commitment to self-direction and keeping yourself or those you love safe in their home and community.| W2 FormsThe…

EVV 2.0
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EVV 2.0

Palco, along with the Department of Human Services (DHS), has been working hard to improve the Federally mandated Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) process*. Effective 5/25/2021 all Arkansas Self-Directing Employers/Participants and their Workers, employed by the Participant, will use Palco’s Connect system for all EVV edits and approvals. These improvements will replace the current AuthentiCare website…

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Android Operating System Update for AuthentiCare Mobile Application

Some Andriod OS users will require an upgrade in order to use AuthintiCare Mobile application v 2.0.7 released March 17, 2021. In order to use AuthentiCare Mobile Application 2.0.7 for daily EVV activities, please ensure workers use a device that is compatible with Android OS operating system version of 6.0 or higher to address a security compliance issue….