EVV 2.0
Palco, along with the Department of Human Services (DHS), has been working hard to improve the Federally mandated Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) process*.
Effective 5/25/2021 all Arkansas Self-Directing Employers/Participants and their Workers, employed by the Participant, will use Palco’s Connect system for all EVV edits and approvals. These improvements will replace the current AuthentiCare website where Representatives approve time and will provide a simpler and more user-friendly platform.
Workers, employed by the Participant, will continue to clock in and out of EVV using either the AuthentiCare mobile app or telephony. Approval for time will be completed through the Palco CONNECT website starting on 6/08/2021 for the 5/25/2021 pay period.
To view the current payroll schedule to Arkansas, click here.
Don’t wait! Register for Connect today!
All Employers and Workers, employed by the Participant, must register for Connect in order to be paid. You will need your Palco ID number provided to you via email on 5/19/2021. This Palco ID will be your permanent identifier for all communication with Palco. It does not replace the ID used to clock in/out of EVV.
*AuthentiCare is not a Palco product and EVV is not a Palco mandate. EVV is a Federal mandate as part of the 21st Century Cures Act.
Pay Periods
The current pay period for dates of service 5/11 – 5/25 must be approved by the representative in AuthentiCare. The deadline to approve these claims is 5/27 at 12:00 PM. Effective 5/28 Members/Representatives will no longer be able to log in to Authenticare! Everything will happen via Palco Connect.

Training on Connect
Palco will host several training sessions to explain the new process and prepare Employers for this change. We highly encourage you to attend one of the trainings so you are prepared for timesheet approvals on 06/08/2021.
Note that if you would like your Worker, employed by the Participant, to attend the training, they can do so at your discretion.
Training Dates:
- Tuesday, May 25th – 11 am
- Thursday, May 27th – 2 pm
- Tuesday, June 1st – 5 pm
- Wednesday, June 2nd – 10 am
- Friday, June 4th – 9 am
- Monday, June 7th – 8 am
- Wednesday, June 9th – 12 pm
- Friday, June 11th – 10 am
- Tuesday, June 15th – 2 pm
- Thursday, June 17th – 10 am
- Tuesday, June 22nd – 2 pm
- Thursday, June 24th – 10 am
How to Join:
Join Online: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/palco
Dial-in number (US): 605-313-5625
Access Code: 673022#
Connect for EVV Work Flow
https://palcofirst.com/staging/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/AR-EVV-Connect-Training-Slides.pdfApproval for time will be completed through the Palco CONNECT website starting on 6/08/2021 for the 5/25/2021 pay period.
For more training and information about EVV CONNECT:
Click here for the EVV CONNECT User Guide
Click here for EVV CONNECT Training Slides

EVV time entries will be inserting into the Connect application as an “Open” status for the worker, employed by the participant to review. The worker, employed by the participant should access the portal per the instructions on the following pages and review and submit the time to the employer. The employer will then access Connect, make the final approval and submit to Palco for processing.