Colorado EVV Strike Protocol Reminders & Resources
This notice is only for CDASS Members or Authorized Representatives who are required to use EVV.
In Colorado, CDASS Members/Authorized Representatives are subject to compliance measures such as the Electronic Visit Verification Protocol that is monitored by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF). Palco provides monthly reporting and data, as required by our contract, to HCPF, that supports the monitoring of EVV compliance. When members are deemed out of compliance, Palco has responsibilities as outlined in the protocol to provide outreach and training.
If a member/AR approves and submits all timesheets with accurate and complete EVV data included by the EVV deadline, they will likely not incur a strike.
What actions could result in a Member getting a strike?
• CDASS Attendants not using Palco’s EVV technologies: AuthentiCare mobile app, Telephony, Connect portal.
• Submitting paper timesheets when you are not approved for an EVV Line-In or ADA exemption.
• Submitting timesheets with the incorrect service codes.
• Attendants and/or member/ARs submitting timesheets after the EVV deadline.
• Attendants correcting EVV or other timesheet errors and resubmitting the corrected timesheet after the EVV deadline.

What happens if a strike occurs?
If a strike occurs, you will receive a letter from CDCO (Consumer Direct Colorado) on behalf of HCPF notifying you of the strike and informing you about next steps. Some action steps that might be required as a result of the strike include retraining with the CDASS Training and Operations Vendor, attending EVV Training hosted by Palco, and/or development of a performance improvement plan.
To support you in meeting all EVV Compliance measures, Palco has several written resources available on our website:
• EVV Frequently Asked Questions
We also offer pre-recorded trainings for you to view at your convenience. These are also posted on our website:
• Connect Time Entry Overview Video
• CDASS EVV Training Recording
Live EVV Training Webinars are hosted by Palco on the second Wednesday of every month. To register for these webinars, please visit:
Please ensure you have reviewed the published payment schedule and are aware of the timesheet submission deadlines. It is essential that all timesheets be submitted by the timesheet submission deadlines outlined on the payment schedule. Payment schedules are updated and posted annually in January. They can be found by visiting the main Palco Colorado webpage under CDASS Forms and then Payroll Forms.
For more information about the EVV Strike Protocol for CDASS, visit: