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The Right Selection for Self-Direction
Learn about the advantages Palco’s partners have access to! Advantages ✔ Innovative modern technology with live and local service professionals answering customer support requests. ✔ 24/7 cloud-based system with configurable and customizable features to meet any program needs. ✔ Lightning fast enrollment with the capability for full FMS enrollment completion in under 3 minutes! Experience…

Self-Direction in the Hispanic Community
The overall goal for self-direction in general is to give the elderly and individuals with disabilities their independence, thus creating a naturally inclusive model that strives to serve all populations. While this is true, there are still various populations that go underserved, and that includes the Hispanic population. Below, we discuss the challenges this population…

Summer Safety and Free Fun for Seniors and People with Disabilities
Getting out and having fun in the sun is always one of the exciting parts of summer, but for aging adults, those activities can be dangerous without taking the proper precautions. This is especially true for those days of extreme heat and high UV index. While the tips we give below are far from comprehensive,…

Home and Community Based Services for Native Americans
Across the United States, Native American communities face unique challenges when it comes to accessing healthcare and social services. Fortunately, there are programs designed to address these needs and empower individuals with disabilities and elders to live fulfilling lives within their own communities. These programs are known as Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). Native…

2024 Annual Survey
Survey Specifics The survey was administered in July of 2024 and sent to program stakeholders across Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, and West Virginia. The survey was open for response from 7/1/2024-7/31/2024. This survey is administered annually and stands alone from our ongoing feedback survey that collects satisfaction with individual day-to-day interactions…

Elevate Caregiving- March 2024
February 16th is National Caregiver Day, and March 3rd is Caregiver Appreciation Day. In honor of the caregivers who keep our programs going, Palco will be celebrating caregiving during the entire month of March! Caregiver Testimonials We want to hear about your best and brightest caregivers, the ones who are always there in the clutch,…