Streamlining Self-Direction Onboarding: A Quick and Compliant Process in Minutes
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Streamlining Self-Direction Onboarding: A Quick and Compliant Process in Minutes

In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is key, especially when it comes to onboarding Self-direction and enabling individuals with disabilities and those aging in place to live independent lives.  Whether you’re a brand-new program participant, a seasoned surrogate employer hiring a new worker, or beginning your rewarding career as a caregiver, ensuring a smooth and compliant…

Improving Accessibility by Using Plain Language
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Improving Accessibility by Using Plain Language

We can build elevators and put in ramps for those with low mobility. Sign Language interpreters and closed captions can help those who are Deaf. People with vision deficiencies can benefit from large print, Braille, or audiobooks. But how do we make concepts, instructions, and other writings more accessible? One way is following the guidelines…

Self-Direction in the Hispanic Community
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Self-Direction in the Hispanic Community

The overall goal for self-direction in general is to give the elderly and individuals with disabilities their independence, thus creating a naturally inclusive model that strives to serve all populations. While this is true, there are still various populations that go underserved, and that includes the Hispanic population. Below, we discuss the challenges this population…

Elevate Caregiving- March 2024
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Elevate Caregiving- March 2024

February 16th is National Caregiver Day, and March 3rd is Caregiver Appreciation Day. In honor of the caregivers who keep our programs going, Palco will be celebrating caregiving during the entire month of March!  Caregiver Testimonials We want to hear about your best and brightest caregivers, the ones who are always there in the clutch,…

Palco Program Spotlight- Chanda Center for Health Remote Services Program
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Palco Program Spotlight- Chanda Center for Health Remote Services Program

Palco kicked off 2024 with a new and exciting partnership with the Chanda Center for Health! The Chanda Center for Health’s mission is to deliver, advocate & educate for integrative therapy and other complementary services to reduce health disparities and costs by improving health equity and outcomes for individuals with physical disabilities through the support…

Enrollment Made Easy
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Enrollment Made Easy

Palco is proud to unveil an updated version of our Intake Enrollment portal! New Enhancements Include: This revolutionary approach to further digitizing the self-directed enrollment willprovide end users with a faster and simpler experience. By eliminating waste anddelays often experienced by printing forms, gathering multiple signatures, andsending in documents manually, Palco has made a historically…

Palco selected as financial management services vendor for state of West Virginia supporting people using self-directed care.
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Palco selected as financial management services vendor for state of West Virginia supporting people using self-directed care.

Financial management services company expands to 11 states,will serve West Virginia’s Department of Human Services, Personal Options Program. Palco, a financial management services company focused on empowering independence for long-term care Medicaid service recipients receiving support services at home or in community-based settings is expanding its service area to an 11th state: West Virginia. The company…

Palco Re-Awarded Self-Direction Home Care Contract by State of Colorado
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Palco Re-Awarded Self-Direction Home Care Contract by State of Colorado

Palco, the nation’s first leading provider of financial management services (FMS) toMedicaid self-directed care programs, announced today the re-award of a contract fromthe State of Colorado’s Department of Health Care Policy and Financing foradministration of the state’s Consumer-Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS)program. Palco has partnered with the State of Colorado since 2019, empowering independencefor over…

Care is a Click Away

Care is a Click Away

On December 12, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) presented guidance* to states to leverage worker registries to boost beneficiaries’ access to home- and community-based services (HCBS). While the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) helped HCBS programs tremendously, ARPA says that “states must use funds to implement or supplement activities to enhance, expand,…